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EU projects

EU projects

implemented by BECAPRO Sp. z o. o


RPPM.01.01.01-IP.02-22-003 / 18 - Development - with the use of nanotechnology - of an innovative line of cosmetic products for women and men, protecting the skin against light radiation, including HEVL, and eliminating the negative effects of earlier changes in the field of aging skin, while compensating for vitamin D deficiency in the skin


BECAPRO Sp. z o. o. implements a project entitled " Development - with the use of nanotechnology - of an innovative line of cosmetic products for women and men, protecting the skin against light radiation, including HEVL, and eliminating the negative effects of previously occurring changes in skin aging, while compensating for vitamin D deficiency in the skin ". It is implemented under the Regional Operational Program of the Pomeranian Voivodeship for 2014-2020.

The aim of the project is to develop a line of cosmetic products which  the function will be better protection against blue radiation (HEVL) and solar radiation (UVA / UVB), providing bioavailable provitamin D and ingredients mitigating the effects of radiation.

The value of the project is PLN 1,947,106.80, of which EU funding is PLN 1,246,063.68.

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